1 403 933 0371
Food & Feed Testing
As concern for contaminants and the quality of food and feed grows, let QAS help lighten the load with high quality analysis, fast turnarounds and competitive pricing.
ISO/IEC17025:2017 Accreditation from the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), assures you that the results are not only accurate but recognized internationally.

Multiresidue Pesticides
Most countries, importers, buyers and retailers, require assurance of a minimum level of pesticides residues on their products. One of the most cost effective ways of accomplishing this for pesticide residues is by means of a multiresidue test. This test covers a wide range of commonly used insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, herbicides and other plant protection products (PPPs). The broad spectrum nature of the test is a valuable means of covering a large number of potential residues at the least amount of cost. Historically it was a charge for each group of residues i.e. Organochlorines, Organophosphorus, Triazines, Neonicotinoids, Carbamates etc. . This meant that the cost to cover a wide range of PPPs added up very fast. With state of the art analytical instrumentation and modern analytical processes we are able to offer a broad spectrum test that includes over 200 PPPs in a single screen, most importantly at a competitive cost.

Individual Pesticides
Multiresidue testing is a cost effective way of covering a large number of PPPs, unfortunately not all PPPs will be detectable in a multiresidue screen. There are a number of PPPs that are of significant importance to consumers and producers, but which do not work in a screen.
Examples of these are Glyphosate (Roundup), Glufosinate, Fosetyl Aluminium, Chlormequat, Paraquat and others. QAS has significant experience in testing for these PPPs and has developed and validated analytical procedures for them that are fast and cost effective.
QAS uses LCMSMS for testing products for these residues, this is considered the Gold Standard for analytical testing.
As interest in these PPPs continues to grow, sell your product with confidence that you are meeting the legislative requirements of your target market.

Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are naturally occurring in soils, they are also extremely toxic at higher levels. Contamination of soils and indeed crops is a possibility and as a result crops, food and feed products are required to be screened for heavy metals.
Heavy metals testing is typically for Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As) and Cadmium (Cd). QAS can provide this testing down to very low levels using its state of the art ICP-MS instrumentation. If you need more than the standard heavy metals contact us to have additional metals added to your test. Using ICP-MS allows us to provide you with results for a broad range of metals without heavily increasing the costs!

Almost all food products require testing for microbiological contamination, ensure the safety of your products and production environment with our fully validated microbiological testing services.
The damage to your brand can be significant in this world of name and shame, this can be best mitigated through ongoing monitoring of products and the production environment.
Be it Salmonella spp, E.coli, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Listeria, Yeast Count, Mold Count, Enterobacteriaceae or Total Aerobic Count, QAS is able to offer competitive pricing and fast turnarounds on the screening of your products to ensure safety.